July 16, 2017
1st Edition
"Hunters trail"
The Cawag trail was established by the Aetas long time ago. This is where they hunt Philippine deers and wild boars using only bow and arrows as they follow and track these wild animals. The Cawag circuit was sacred for our Aeta ancestors. This includes the peaks and ridges of Bira bira, Naulaw, Dayungan and Mt. Cinco Picos and the most sacred is Mt. Balingkilat which was believed to be as the house of the lightning according to the legends. Mt. Balingkilat with an elevation of 1100masl is the Aetas major hunting ground.
During the US era, Mt. Balingkilat was called the rounded peak while Mt. Cinco Picos was the pointed peak. Now, this Cawag circuit is known to locals as the Hunters Trail. Get high with the picturesque views of the famous coves – Anawangin, Nagsasa and Silanguin as you run on the ridges and terrains of the Hunters Trail.